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Nerine humilis (Jacq.) Herb. (Amaryllis humilis), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Aloe dichotoma Masson (Quiver tree or Kokerboom), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Lachenalia aloides (L.f.) Engl. (Opal flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Cyranthus obliquus (L.f.) Aiton (Knysna lily), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Cyrtanthus carneus Lindl.  (Sand-lily), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Haemanthus coccineus L. (Blood flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Haemanthus coccineus L. (Blood flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Duvalia caespitosa (Masson) Haw (Milkweed), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Stapelia hirsute L. (Starfish flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Stapelia paniculata Willd.(Small starfish flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Piaranthus geminatus (Masson) N.E. Br.(Milkweed), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Hoodia gordonii (Bushman’s hat), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Stapelia hirsuta (L.) (Starfish flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Huernia namaquensis Pillans. (Namaqua carrion-flower), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.
Map of the south coast of South Africa between Cape Agulhas and the Sundays River, after 1789-1790. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Map of the Southern part of the Cape from St Helena Bay to the Great Fish River, c.1777-1786. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Map of the Coast from Saldanha Bay to Richard’s Bay, with a detailed map of Mossel..., c.1777-1778. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Map of Saldanha Bay, c.1784. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Map of the Southern Part of South Africa, after 1786. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
View of a saltpan, near the mouth of the Swartkops River, 1778. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
View of Robben Island from a distance of one hour south south-east from the shore, 1777. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Elanus caeruleus (Black-winged kite), 1777-1786. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
The postmaster’s house on Robben Island, seen from the sea, c.1777. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Palm cockatoo, in or after c.1780. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Anthropoides paradisea (Blue crane or Stanley crane), 1777-1786. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Panorama of Plettenberg Bay, seen from an elevation at the mouth of the Keurbooms River, 1778. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Panorama of Tulbagh, then known as the Land van Waveren in the Roodezand valley, 1778-1779. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Valley with twenty-five farmsteads, 1777-1786. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
View of the Drostdy, 1777-1778. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
The Dutch East India Company’s post Rietvlei, near Swellendam, seen from the south, 1777-1778. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Panorama of the Biedouw and Cuinjis Mountains, c.1778-1779. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
The waterfall at the Roodezand valley, near Tulbagh, 1778-1779. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
The Koperberge, near the contemporary Springbok, in little Namaqualand, 1779-1780. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Panorama of the Camdebo and Sneeuberg Mountains, from Bruintjieshoogte Pass, 1777. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Panorama of the Knysna River and the defile through which it flows into the sea., 1778-1779. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
The confluence of the Caledon and Orange Rivers, seen from the south-west, 1777. Creators: Robert Jacob Gordon, Johannes Schumacher.
Houses at the Edge of a Village in the Dunes, 1875. Creator: Salomon Leonardus Verveer.
View of a Small Street in Rocca di Papa, c.1870-c.1885. Creator: Willem Johannes Martens.
Path through the Village of Manen at Ede, 1783. Creator: Wybrand Hendriks.
Two tree studies, 1850. Creator: Edwin Aaron Penley.
The House in Honselaersdijk and surroundings, can be seen across the forecourt, 1640-1649. Creator: Abraham Beerstraten.
Personification of painting, 1856-1912. Creator: Abraham Henriques de Souza.
Hilly landscape, 1786-1857. Creator: Abraham Teerlink.
Clouds against blue sky, 1786-1857. Creator: Abraham Teerlink.
Man with Fur Hat and Pipe, 1763-1826. Creator: Abraham van Strij.
A fishmonger offers plaice to a schoolmaster and his family, 1763-1826. Creator: Abraham van Strij.
Three girls with a dog sitting in a meadow, 1860-1921. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Crushing the ice on the Maas in Rotterdam, 1907. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Man with two horses in front of a building, 1915. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Seamstress, 1860-1921. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Woman, standing with umbrella, 1860-1921. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Winter landscape with horse and carriage, 1860-1921. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Seated boy with a cup, 1860-1921. Creator: Adolf le Comte.
Facade of an overgrown house, 1645-1655. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.
River landscape with a tower, c.1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.
View in Brugge, 1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.
Boat with lowered mast lying ashore, 1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.
View of a town, seen from across a river, 1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.
View of The Hague, 1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.
Round Lutheran church and some houses in Amsterdam, 1828-1897. Creator: Adrianus Eversen.